Since each project presents its own unique set of challenges, physically analyzing your vehicle at our facility is the best approach to generating an accurate proposal. We can provide a tentative price range for your project prior to bringing your car to our shop for inspection with the completion of the form.
Evaluation Process
Since each project presents its own unique set of challenges, physically analyzing your vehicle at our facility is the best approach to generating an accurate proposal. We can provide a tentative price range for your project prior to bringing your car to our shop for inspection with the completion of the above form.
To give an accurate proposal to our customers, we must first evaluate the overall expectations that you have for your vehicle. Secondly, we must evaluate the project ourselves to be able to answer the following questions;
How much rust does this project have?
How many parts will be replaced?
Will we have to disassemble to give a better estimate?
What changes and or modifications does the customer desire?
How much time will it take to fabricate those parts which are unavailable?
Every restoration project is unique and so many unknowns to give our customers an estimate of the cost to build without seeing the vehicle. We can give the customer a comprehensive detailed cost plan once the vehicle has been inspected and the unknowns are answered.
Full Car Restoration
A Full Auto Restoration primarily includes removing the complete chassis from the body and all the components of the car are disassembled, sandblasted, media blasted or acid dipped to restore to a better than new condition. All body panels are fitted and then the body is painted to the customers desired color to show finish.
• Disassemble the vehicle
• Pull body off frame (optional)
• Media blast and restore frame (optional)
• Metal repairs of all rust
• Media blast or mechanically / chemically strip the vehicle
• Replace or replate all trim
• Completely smooth out body of all waves and dents
• Etch prime and seal vehicle after stripping
• High build primer after body work
• Block sand entire vehicle
• Sand and buff
• Undercoat vehicle
• Paint and clear vehicle includes all jams, under hood and under deck lid
• Rebuild existing mechanical systems or replace systems
• Upgrade brake, steering and suspension systems
• Rebuild engine or replace with a crate motor
• Upgrade transmission and gearing for a smoother ride
• Replace seat covers, foam and repair springs
• Replace carpet
• Replace headliner
• Restore dash
• Restore door panels
• Replace or restore interior trim
 Plymouth Barracuda
Got the engine painted, put back together, and installed in Terry's Cuda today. Matches the engine bay we painted last week. Engine bay is done! Matches car perfectly!
Let's get started with your restoration project by email.
Please fill in the form!

1965 Chev Inpala Convertible with 409
Current work in progress. This 1965 convertible Impala with a 409 is in to have the motor pulled out and completely re-sealed to stop the leaks.
 1965 Ford Mustang Restoration Completed
Another car currently in for work is this beautiful 1965 Mustang. This car is in for a list of work to complete.